Friday 21 September 2012

How to Make Him Call You Back - Help For Women

Telephone calls can cause a great deal of stress in any dating relationship. The stress is mainly for us women as we wait patiently, and then not so patiently, for our man to call. Why is it that a great guy who pampers and spoils you can somehow just seem to forget to call?

It's disheartening and frustrating when you are so looking forward to talking with him only to have to be the one to finally cave in and call him. If he said he'd call and then doesn't, don't allow it to get the better of you.

You can make him call you back when he promises he will if you know exactly how to handle him.

In order to make him call you back more often you first have to get a clear understanding of why he's not calling. Men and women see the area of communication very differently. Most men just don't enjoy talking on the phone as much as their female counterparts. If you ask a man how he prefers to handle correspondence with the woman he's involved with, he's likely to tell you that email or text messaging are his first choice.

You really need to keep that in mind when you're trying to get him to call you. A good approach, and one that many people consider sneaky, is to stop answering so many of his emails or texts. If he's not getting the response he wants through that avenue, he'll try a different one, which means he'll call.

You've also got to remember that men sometimes just simply forget to pick up the phone. They don't see the call as a very high priority so they push it to a backburner. That is hurtful for some women, especially those who wait for hours to hear from their guy. If you believe this is the case with your man you have to help him see that it is a priority to you.

You can certainly talk with him about it, but that doesn't always work. Sometimes men think we're overreacting if we bring up things that they see as insignificant. Instead, just slowly decrease your calls to him. If he said he'd call back and then doesn't, don't make the move to call. Just leave it be. Eventually, and this may take some time, he'll get the hint and start calling you more. If you're patient and persistent with not calling, you can silently encourage him to call you more.

When your ex boyfriend gets back in touch with you, you will need to know how to respond in a way that retains his interest and stoke his desire for you again. If you don’t pull this off properly, he will start to pull away from you again and move on.

==>This Video Explains What Men Need...

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