Thursday 4 October 2012

Your Husband Doesn't Want to Have Sex - Tips on How to Change it Now

Your husband doesn't want to have sex. Maybe he's come right out and bluntly told you or perhaps he's shown more compassion and simply comes up with excuse after excuse for why he doesn't want to be intimate with you. Regardless, all the same feelings are still there. You feel rejected, confused and very alone. You question whether your marriage can survive and you've even wondered whether he may be having an affair. All of these feelings are normal. You have to address what is going on if you want things to change for the better. Ignoring the problem of a sexless marriage can end in disaster when the relationship eventually falls apart.

In almost all cases of sexless marriage, the person who is withholding the intimacy doesn't fully understand the impact it's having on their partner. They don't recognize how it's influencing their spouse's sense of self worth and self esteem. Naturally, all of these negative feelings are going to manifest themselves in a very unproductive way. That's why you're now feeling resentment towards your husband and you've begun questioning whether he truly loves you or not. You have to be understanding of the fact that he's probably not intentionally avoiding sex with you. It's merely a symptom of another issue or problem he's dealing with.

Many men shy away from intimacy because they feel disconnected emotionally from their spouse. This can happen for several reasons but most common is when the couple has an ongoing issue they are disagreeing on. It may be something related to the children, finances or even home improvements. If there is friction between the two of you your husband may not feel that close to you and therefore won't have any interest in being intimate. If you two are indeed struggling with something now is the time to lay all of your cards on the table and start negotiating with each other.

The same is true if you and he have reached a point in your marriage where you've started to take one another for granted. This happens to almost everyone, including the most well intentioned couples. They start off their relationship appreciating each other for even the smallest things and that changes as the years pass. Begin showing him that he's the most important person in your world again. Do things that you know make his life more satisfying and less complicated. This will show him that you value him just as much now as when you first married him. He'll feel closer to you in every way again including physically.

Many couples struggle with discussing the issue of a sexless marriage and as a result, nothing ever changes and both become more and more frustrated. Don't waste another day wishing your intimate life was more fulfilling, change it now. Visit

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