Saturday 20 October 2012

How to Make a Man Fall in Love With You

Is it possible to make a man fall in love with you or is that completely in fate's hands? We've all wondered about this at some point. The fact of the matter is that a woman has tremendous influence over what a man feels about her. If you've got your heart set on a particular man, isn't it time you did everything in your power to get him to want you as much as you want him?

If you are serious about wanting to make a man fall in love with you there are just a few things that are imperative to keep in mind. You need to be different from all the other women he's interacted with. This sounds a bit foreboding but it doesn't have to. Simply consider how most women act when they are involved with a man they want a future with. They tend to act clingy, become jealous and demanding. Men want to be with women who are easy going, fun and drama less. Show him that you are all these things. Don't start talking about being exclusive too soon, never act envious when he's talking to another woman and play a little hard to get. Men want to be challenged in their relationships, so give him that challenge if you want him to find you irresistible.

Focus on making him feel like a better man if you want to get him to fall in love with you. Men always want to be around people who make them feel like better men. This is especially true in their primary relationship. A man wants to feel like the only hero to his woman. Therefore if you want to make a man fall in love you have to ensure he knows how much you value and appreciate him. Take time each day to tell him how much he means to you. Don't criticize him for small mistakes and give him tasks he can complete just for you.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!

How to Be Irresistible to Men

Knowing how to be irresistible to men is something virtually every woman wants. We all want our guy to feel weak in the knees when he's with us. Unfortunately most of us have no idea how to make ourselves more appealing to the man we want. There are a few simple things any woman can do that will make her man fall all over himself just to spend time with her.

One mistake that many women make when they are trying to understand how to be irresistible to men is they focus on their appearance. An extra few pounds or an imperfection is not going to impact how desirable a man finds you. Men are naturally drawn to self confident women. If a woman is hard on herself and is constantly criticizing herself the man in her life is going to be turned off. Start embracing the things about yourself that you most like and push away any negative thoughts. If you can show him that you love yourself, he's going to love you too.

In order to learn how to be irresistible to men a woman has to realize that it's not all about her. There are secret triggers within men that draw them to you. One of these triggers is a man's natural need to feel good about himself. Men want to be with a woman who makes them feel valued, appreciated and loved. If you want your man to proclaim his undying devotion to you ensure that you make him feel this each day. Tell him how grateful you are to have him in your life and how essential he is in helping you with certain tasks. He'll enjoy knowing that you truly need him and adore him.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!


Thursday 18 October 2012

Signs a Man is Falling in Love With You

Knowing the signs a man is falling in love with you can save you from enormous heartbreak and confusion. Most women are already well aware of the fact that men just aren't as quick to proclaim their undying love and devotion the way we are. If the man you are involved with hasn't yet reached the stage where he's comfortable telling you how he feels, there is another way to know. You can gain a great deal of insight into what's going on in his heart just by paying closer attention to his actions.

One of the signs a man is falling in love with you is his overwhelming desire to spend time with you. This doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to devote all of his free time to you, but he does enjoy being with you more than anything else. When a man is developing strong feelings for a woman he'll rearrange his entire schedule just to see her and he'll want to talk to her several times a day. If your guy calls you up just to say hi and wants to see you as often as possible, he's definitely falling in love. You can take a lot of comfort in the fact that he isn't making excuses for why he can't see you. When a man does this it typically means he's not feeling a very strong emotional connection.

Another indicator of a man who is moving past the stages of like into love is he'll want to talk about you more than he'll want to talk about himself. Many men are a bit self focused by nature and when they are still testing the dating waters, they enjoy sharing information about themselves. You and what is going on in your life is a second priority to them. However, when a man is falling in love that focus shifts and he just can't get enough of the woman he adores. He'll want to know everything there is to know about you from where you were born to every detail about your day. When a man always brings up what is going on in his life or the things he enjoys, he's yet to fall in love.

If the man you are with now values your opinion and asks you to help him make important decisions, that's a very promising sign. Many men are hesitant to involve a woman in decisions, until they find one that steals their heart away. You don't need to question what he's feeling for you once he starts doing this. He's well on his way to being crazy in love with you.

Confused about what men really want? Is there a particular man in your life that you want to fall in love with you? You can capture and keep the heart of any man.

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. Learn how to create an unbreakable emotional connection with him.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

Does My Boyfriend Care About Me? 3 Obvious Signs

Does my boyfriend care about me? Have you been asking that question as of late? Unfortunately, not all men are willing to share their innermost feelings with the woman they are involved with. If that's the case with your guy, you're left to guessing what's going on in his heart, and that rarely turns out well. Luckily there are ways to gain some insight into what your boyfriend is feeling, even if he's not telling you directly. There are some signs in a man's behavior that suggest that he's deeply in love. Once you understand what these are, you can then take some comfort in knowing that your guy loves you as much as you love him.
Three signs that your boyfriend is head over heels for you are:

He doesn't make excuses for why he can't see you. 
Some men are incredibly skilled at coming up with believable and unquestionable excuses for why they can't hang out. The fact of the matter is when a man is in love he doesn't need or want to find a reason for why he can't see his woman. If your boyfriend is constantly coming up with excuses for why he's too busy to be with you, he's not in love with you. If you're with a guy who seems driven to see you, even if it's just for a few moments in the middle of the day, he's wild about you.

He constantly reaches out to touch you. 
Holding the hand of the man you adore is such a comforting feeling. Men feel this way as well when they reach out to pull you closer. If your boyfriend truly loves you he'll want to hold your hand, stroke your back or touch your leg. Being physically close to you will be incredibly important to you. Some men even go so far as to insist on sitting next to their woman in a restaurant. They do this because they want to hold her hand the entire time they are dining. If this sounds familiar because it's what your boyfriend does, he's definitely in love with you.

He does things to make your life easier. 
Not all men are the flowers and love letter type. Some men show their deep affection and adoration for a woman by doing things that will make her life easier. That includes taking her car for an oil change or doing a bit of the housework. If your boyfriend enjoys cooking you dinner and insists that you relax while he does it, he's crazy about you. A man in love will go out of his way to ensure that the woman he loves doesn't have to deal with all the small things in life. He'll tend to them for her. If this is what is happening in your relationship, he feels incredibly close to you.

Confused about what your boyfriend feels for you? Do you want to ensure he falls in love with you? You can capture and keep the heart of any man.

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. Learn how to create an unbreakable emotional connection with him.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Make Him Think About You All the Time

Wouldn't your relationship be amazing if you could make him think about you all the time? Most women secretly dream about this. The idea of our man being so completely crazy about us that he can't go more than a few minutes without thoughts of us invading his mind. It may be a wee bit unrealistic but it certainly is romantic. Naturally, everyone has responsibilities in life and can't spend all day, every day, dreaming about the person they love. You do want to be a constant in his mind and heart though and there are ways to ensure that happens. You can make him love you so much that he can't even imagine the thought of not being your man.

If you want to make him think about you more make yourself less available to him. The old advice of playing hard to get seems better left in a past generation to most of us. We've all heard stories of women who pushed a man's advances away until his heart melted and he was so in love with her that he made some monumental romantic gesture. This is the stuff that movies are made of. It does happen in real life too though. Playing hard to get works. It's a simple fact of life. It ties into a man's natural instinct to hunt. If you're not jumping through hoops trying to get him to fall in love with you, he'll find you more appealing. He wants and needs to feel as though he has to work at getting your heart. So don't be accessible and always available to him. He doesn't really want you to be.

You also must present yourself in an honest and genuine fashion if you want to make him think about you all the time. One very common mistake that women make when they are trying to endear themselves to a man is they transform into someone they're not. They don't act the way they normally do. They stifle their own opinions because they don't want to conflict with how he thinks. The sad part is that they do this because they think it will help them deepen the emotional connection with him. Quite the opposite actually occurs.

Men don't want us to change to fit into their criteria. They want a woman who is original, self confident and opinionated. Men find that refreshing and irresistible. You want him to think you're different than anyone he's ever met. If you present yourself like every other woman, he's going to see you as plain and boring. Be who you are always. Let him see you in all your glory with all your flaws. That's all you have to do is you really want to make him think about you more and more.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to make guy to want you, visit this informative site!

Monday 15 October 2012

Signs a Guy is in Love With You

We all wonder at some point whether the man we're with is falling as deeply in love with us as we are with him. If you're with a man now and you just aren't sure whether his heart belongs to you and he's just not vocal about what he's feeling, there's help. There are a few ways to know what he's feeling based just on paying close attention to his actions. You don't have to sit and wonder whether he really adores you or not.

One of the signs a guy is in love with you is his undeniable desire to spend as much time with you as possible. If he is constantly trying to sneak in time with you, whether it's something as elaborate as planning a romantic weekend getaway or just bringing lunch to your workplace, he's fallen in love with you. Unfortunately if you're with a man who has an endless stream of excuses for why he can't see you, that usually indicates that he's just not that into you.

Have you met the other important people in his life yet? The answer to this question actually says a great deal about what he's feeling for you. One of the signs a guy is in love with you is he'll be excited and anxious for you to meet the other people in his life that he cares for. Typically this includes his family members and close friends. If you've been together for awhile and you have yet to meet anyone in his life that's not promising at all. Men usually don't introduce the woman they are dating to their family unless their feelings are quite serious. This is really a good barometer of where his head and heart are at.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

What Makes a Guy Fall in Love?

Is it the way you look? Does it have something to do with how you are dressed? Or is it more about what goes on between the two of you during the intimate moments you share? Most women have no idea what exactly makes a man fall hopelessly in love with someone in particular. You may think it has a lot to do with fate, but you'd be wrong. You are the one who controls which man falls madly in love with you.

The question of what makes a guy fall in love with you has many answers, obviously. However, men will tell you that what attracted them to their soul mate initially was her personality. This may seem a bit cliché but it's the truth. Most women try to conform to what they think a man wants them to be, when instead they should just be themselves. Men crave to be with honest, forthright women. They want you to celebrate who you are. If you can do that they'll do it as well. Don't apologize for not having your dream job or for the few extra pounds you carry. If you don't make a big deal out of those things, he won't either.

When you are thinking about what makes a guy fall in love with you take into consideration how you make him feel about himself too. If you constantly criticize the things he's doing, he's not going to find that appealing. Men fall in love with women who are accepting and supportive. Always ensure he knows how much you value him and how lucky you feel to know him. He'll feel incredibly special when he's with you and it will make him crave to spend more and more time with you.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!

Saturday 13 October 2012

Is He Truly in Love With Me? Signs Your Guy Is Wild About You

Is he truly in love with me? That's a very common question women ask once they've fallen head over heels for a man. We all want to bask in the glory of being truly loved and adored by the man in our hearts but sometimes it's impossible to tell if he's feeling the same deep emotional connection as we are. Naturally you can ask him what he feels, but most men aren't that eloquent when it comes to expressing what they feel. They sometimes even shy away from it out of fear of exposing too much of themselves. That's why it's up to you to look for the telltale signs that exist when a man is really in love. If you notice any of these, you can take a great deal of comfort in the fact that he feels just as close to you as you do to him.

If you're wondering if he truly loves you consider his priorities in life. Where exactly do you fall on the list of the things that are most important to him? This is very telling and is something you should consider seriously when you're thinking about whether or not he's as in love with you as you are with him. Does he drop everything if you need him? Does he make time each and every day to spend with you whether it's in person or on the phone? Does he answer your calls right away or return your messages as soon as he possibly can? All of these are great indicators of a man who is fall in love with you. Nothing is more important to him than the woman he adores. Never doubt him if you can clearly see that nothing in his life comes before you.

You can also tell if a man has fallen hard for you if other women fade into the background. This is a true window into his heart and is actually quite easy to gauge. Most men seem to have a wandering eye when it comes to attractive women. However, that changes dramatically once a man has given his heart to a special someone. He'll no longer make any kind of effort to look at any other woman and he'll also be very open and honest about any female friends he does have. Other women hold absolutely no interest for him in a romantic or sexual sense and he won't be afraid to show that.

If he reaches out to touch you frequently that's another sign of a man who feels emotionally connected to you. Men love holding onto the woman they love. That might be something as simple as holding her hand when they're walking down the street together or putting his arm around her while they are cuddled on the couch watching television. His desire to be physically close to you is a great indicator of exactly where his heart is.

Every woman has the power to make her man fall in love with her. You can have a deep, undying emotional connection with him. Learn the specific techniques that will make you completely and utterly irresistible to him by clicking here. 

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

Why Won't He Say "I Love You" in Return?

You and your guy are happy. At least in your mind you are. You love him and you believed he loved you. The problem is that he doesn't express it verbally to you. You've told him that you're crazy about him and that you adore and need him. He, on the other hand, never expresses anything even close to that. You're wondering why he won't say "I love you" in return. Does it mean that he's not as emotionally attached to you as you are to him? Or could it possibly be a sign that he just isn't that into you at all and only views you as a casual girlfriend? Understanding why men hold back when it comes to sharing their feelings is important. Once you can recognize why your guy hasn't said the words, you can then start helping him feel more comfortable about being more expressive with his emotions.

There are several common reasons why men struggle with saying "I love you" to the woman they're involved with. The first is the most difficult to absorb. He may not be telling you he loves you in return because it's not something that he feels yet. Men and women tend to fall in love at different speeds. We often are smitten very quickly and feel our hearts opening up to the idea of love after just a few dates. Men, on the other hand, tend to take their time in trusting in love and in the woman in question. If you say it before he's ready to return the sentiment, he just won't do so. He'll instead smile or change the subject leaving you feeling rejected and embarrassed.

Another reason he may not feel comfortable sharing what he feels is he doesn't want to make himself too vulnerable. Just as it breaks our hearts when a relationship ends, the same is true for men. He may be worried that if he tells you he loves you that it will open his heart to even more pain should something go wrong between the two of you. He may want to keep his emotional power and not saying he loves you may be his way of doing so.

There is an expectation that comes when a man tells a woman that he's in love with her. If your man was to say it to you it's a strong signal that the two of you are now a couple and will only be dating exclusively. Even if he's starting to fall in love with you, he may avoid saying the words simply because he's still not ready for a serious commitment. Even if his actions suggest he only wants you, his heart may not feel that quite yet.
Every woman has the power to make her man fall in love with her. You can have a deep, undying emotional connection with him.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

Thursday 11 October 2012

What to Say When Talking Dirty to Your Man - Intimacy Advice For Women

Have you ever wondered what to say when talking dirty to your man? If you have, you're not alone. Many women want to turn things up a notch in the bedroom by being more verbally expressive. The problem is that a lot of us are a little hesitant about it because we simply don't know what to say or what reaction our man will have to it. Knowing how to talk dirty starts with understanding what men find appealing and in most cases, any time you're expressing yourself during lovemaking, your man is going to love it.

No one, including your man, expects you to launch into a tirade of naughty words if you've been reasonably quiet during intimacy to this point. A very comfortable way to start talking dirty is to simply use noises to express what you find pleasurable. A few soft sighs and a few well placed moans will let your man know that whatever he's doing at the moment is working well. Knowing what to say when talking dirty to your boyfriend includes understanding that even a noise showing your approval is a great place to start.

From there you can begin to use a few words to replace the moans and sighs. Tell him that you like what he's doing or ask him to please don't stop. Men love this. It helps guide them during lovemaking and it also makes them feel closer to you because you're sharing what you are feeling and also you're telling him how good he's making you feel. Once you feel comfortable doing that you can start introducing a few naughty words into the mix to judge his reaction. Chances are very good that he'll love everything about you talking dirty.

Specific things you say and do during lovemaking can make a man feel compelled to please you and want to be with you. Saying the wrong words can actually turn him off and make intimacy with you far less appealing. For more informative tips about how to talk to him during sex, including exactly what to say so he'll find you utterly irresistible, visit this Helpful Site!

It's understandable to be shy or a little apprehensive when it comes to talking dirty but it can completely transform your intimate life. If you want him to crave to be with you, learn how to talk dirty to him today. For more helpful information, visit

How Do I Talk Dirty to My Boyfriend? - Intimacy Advice For Women

How do I talk dirty to my boyfriend is a question many of us have wondered about. Intimacy is generally a pretty personal subject and many of women just don`t feel comfortable talking or asking about it. We all want to have the best sexual experiences we can and we obviously want the same for the man we are involved with. If you`ve started wondering what it would feel like to be more vocal in the bedroom, that`s completely natural. You may feel a little shy or self conscious about jumping into the act of talking dirty, but you don`t have to be. You can learn how to master this art of eroticism easily and comfortably.

When I was first considering how do I talk dirty to my boyfriend I got a bit overwhelmed by the idea of using naughty words while with him. Granted he was used to hearing me curse in certain situations but I`d never been one to talk dirty while we were making love. That was new territory for me and I quickly realized that I wasn`t uninhibited enough to just jump in with both feet. I had to ease myself into it and that`s what I did. If you want to start being more verbally expressive begin with sounds, instead of words. Your boyfriend will love it when you moan or sigh during lovemaking. It helps him to feel as though he`s really pleasing you and it will get you more comfortable with being vocal.

The next step will help bring you closer to him during lovemaking as well. Tell him what you like. If he`s touching you in a certain way that is making you feel incredibly aroused, tell him. You don`t have to use any graphic words if you`re not ready for that yet. Simply say that it feels nice or that you don`t want him to stop. He`ll be more enthused instantly and will do everything in his power to please you even more. Men want the women they are with to be comfortable enough to share what they want in intimate situations.

Specific things you say and do during lovemaking can make a man feel compelled to please you and want to be with you. Saying the wrong words can actually turn him off and make intimacy with you far less appealing. For more informative tips about how to talk to him dirty during sex, including exactly what to say so he'll find you utterly irresistible, visit this Helpful Site!

It's understandable to be shy or a little apprehensive when it comes to talking dirty but it can completely transform your intimate life. If you want him to crave to be with you, learn how to talk dirty to him today. For more helpful information, visit

Wednesday 10 October 2012

How to Get My Boyfriend to Propose - Make Him Crave a Serious Commitment With You

"I want to know how to get my boyfriend to propose to me." Does that sound all too familiar to you? It's very frustrating to be involved with a man who is either commitment phobic or just not ready to be married. Try as you might he just won't change his mind and it leaves you feeling rejected and confused. If this sounds like your life now, don't give up. There are ways to silently persuade your man to want a commitment with you. You can have him down on his knee, making a proposal, in no time at all if you understand how to trigger his need to be close to you.

What many women don't fully understand when they are trying to get their boyfriend to commit is that they need to stop being so available to him. When we fall in love with a man he usually becomes the focus of our lives. Most women don't think twice about changing plans or canceling them to instead spend time with their man. We also are notorious for going out of our way to cater to his needs. If you're guilty of these things that may be part of the reason he's not proposing. You've made yourself accessible to him and he knows it. He knows, without a doubt, that you'd drop everything to spend time with him. If he feels that way about you, you're not as appealing as you can be. If a woman is throwing herself at a man he won't put much effort into the relationship. He knows you're not going anywhere, whether you get that commitment or not, so he sees no reason to give you won.

Start focusing more on yourself than on him if you want to get him to marry you. Make plans that don't include him and that includes plans about your future. If you've always been available at the very last minute when he calls, stop that. Don't take the call or answer it and tell him you've already made other plans. Once he senses that you're not completely his anymore, that you may be slipping away, he'll seriously reconsider the commitment issue. Men want the things that are just out of their reach so ensure your boyfriend can't catch you unless he's got an engagement ring in his hand.

Most women never know that men need MORE than just love…if they are ever going to see you as "the one" and commit fully to you? Your boyfriend does not FEEL these certain things...EVEN IF he adores you so much. You think he's your soul mate but He'll NEVER see there's a future with for the long term...

The next obvious step is to make a guy like you. This is not at all an easy task and you need to be really careful in your approach. The good news is that it is possible to create a really strong desire in him and he will not be able to resist if you know How To Make Guy Fall Love You.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

How Serious is He About Marriage? Signs Your Guy is Ready to Propose to You

Are you madly in love with your boyfriend? Do you envision a long, happy and emotionally fulfilling life with him? It's wonderful when a woman meets the man she's sure is her own personal Prince Charming. But for some women there's a lingering question in their minds. How serious is he about marriage? Does he seem as interested in taking the plunge into being a committed couple as you do or do you have doubts about how emotionally invested in the relationship he is? If you're unsure where his heart or head is at, there's a few sure signs that your guy is ready to propose to you.

One answer to the question of how serious is he about marriage can be found in your relationship with the people closest to him. When a man believes he's found the woman he's destined to be with he wants everyone he loves to love her too. He's quick to introduce her to his family and friends and he'll often include her in activities where they're present. He'll introduce her as his love, his girlfriend or his future wife. He doesn't leave any question in anyone's mind about how much he cares for her. If this is how your boyfriend acts, you're definitely going to have an engagement ring on your finger in the very near future. If your guy is still coming up with excuses for why you haven't met his family or why you don't hang out with his friends, he's no where near committing to anything serious yet.

Another of the signs your guy is ready to propose to you is he'll be thinking more seriously about his financial future. Many men put off getting married until they feel established in their careers and until they have a small nest egg tucked away in the bank. Regardless of how much money their girlfriend makes, most men still see themselves as the bread winner and the one who needs to take care of the family. If your guy has suddenly taken an interest in mortgage rates or retirement planning, he's thinking about a more serious future with you. He likely wants to get himself in a comfortable place financially before he proposes. If he's working towards that, you'll can expect a proposal before too long.

Most women never know that men need MORE than just love…if they are ever going to see you as "the one" and commit fully to you? Your boyfriend does not FEEL these certain things...EVEN IF he adores you so much. You think he's your soul mate but He'll NEVER see there's a future with for the long term... Visit

Tuesday 9 October 2012

My Husband Won't Have Sex With Me Anymore - Tips to Reignite Your Marriage

My husband won't have sex with me anymore is one of those phrases that you don't ever want to hear yourself saying. Intimacy is an integral part of a marriage and when it disappears, it changes the entire dynamic of the relationship. The couple is, unfortunately, not as close as they once were and resentment and confusion can lead to the marriage slowly falling apart and then eventually crumbling. If you are fearful that this is the path your relationship with your husband is headed down, you need to act now before it's too late. There are several things you can do to draw your husband closer to you again so you can have the fulfilling and connected marriage that you want.

The first thing you need to do when your husband doesn't want to have sex is determine if his hesitation is related to another part of your relationship. Quite often when a couple quarrels over an issue it leaves them feeling distant and disconnected from each other. Your husband may not want to be close with you physically because there's some underlying resentment or frustration over another matter. If you two have been arguing back and forth over something for days, weeks or months, you need to resolve that now. You two should sit down and talk out the problem and compromise where need be. If you don't, the marriage may be at risk.

Many men are just as self conscious about the way they look as women are. Most of us are all too familiar with the feeling of gaining a few pounds and how that makes us feel undesirable. Some husbands feel exactly the same way. If you've noticed your husband talking about how he needs to eat healthier or work out more, this could very well be at the root of your intimacy issues. Work together with him on a mission to get both of you healthier. You can start grocery shopping together, cooking together and even exercising with each other. Not only will this help you both feel more attractive, but it will create a new, fun bond between you two which will naturally draw you closer again.

Many couples struggle with discussing the issue of a sexless marriage and as a result, nothing ever changes and both become more and more frustrated. Don't waste another day wishing your intimate life was more fulfilling, change it now. Visit

Tips For Surviving in a Sexless Marriage - How to Revive Your Relationship Today

Surviving in a sexless marriage isn't an easy thing to do. Although the frequency of love making can change over time, once it disappears almost entirely it affects every other aspect of the relationship. If you're living like this now you're probably experiencing a whole host of conflicting emotions. You may still love your spouse deeply but you also resent them and feel confused and rejected. This is very common and unless the issue is dealt with and resolved it can lead to even more problems including ultimately a separation or divorce. If this is not what you want, you need to act now to change things. There are many steps you can take to reclaim the lost passion and get closer to your spouse both physically and emotionally again.

One very common reason that intimacy suffers in a relationship is the couple have differing views on an issue and that conflict has moved into the bedroom. When a married couple struggles over something that they just can't agree on it impacts just about everything. Not only does their relationship suffer but everyone around them picks up on that tension too. It puts them at odds and it's very difficult to feel close to someone in an intimate way if you have hostile feelings that are there just below the surface. If you feel this is a contributing factor to the problems you and your spouse are facing in terms of intimacy, you need to find a resolution. Sometimes the key to surviving a sexless marriage is sitting down and reaching a compromise to any conflicts you two have. If you can give in a little, you may find that your spouse does too and that alone can make you feel closer to one another again.

A very helpful tip for surviving in a sexless marriage is to start planning one-on-one time with your spouse again. Many couples switch from lover mode over to parent mode and can never find the right balance between the two. Although your children are your top priority and they demand a lot of time, if they're very young, you still need to make an effort to remain connected as a man and a woman. Set aside time each day just to be together. It doesn't have to be in an intimate setting. You can just sit and watch television together or have a conversation while you eat breakfast. The point is to interact only with each other. While you're doing this make an effort to hold your spouse's hand or rub their leg. Touching each other, even in an innocent way like this, can start you both back on the road to regained intimacy.

Many couples struggle with discussing the issue of a sexless marriage and as a result, nothing ever changes and both become more and more frustrated. Don't waste another day wishing your intimate life was more fulfilling, change it now. Visit

Thursday 4 October 2012

How to Seduce Your Man Right Now! Simple Steps to Make Him Desire You

You recognize the power of seduction, don't you? You've always envisioned what it would be like to make your man wild with desire for you. The problem is that you're a little shy and a little hesitant when it comes to all matters of intimacy. You worry though that if you don't turn things up a notch your guy is going to bolt and find a woman who can knock his socks off sexually. You need to get over your hesitation and take control of your own sexual experiences. You can become the lover you've always wanted to be and it all begins with learning how to seduce your man.

Obviously one of the most important qualities you must possess in order to effectively seduce a man is confidence. We all struggle with self confidence issues at some point. It comes with being a woman. You need to do your best to get past your insecurities though. A great way to do that is to make a list of all the things you love most about yourself. Then make a list of the things you don't like. Take the second list and throw it away. You're not going to allow any negativity to enter your thoughts. Instead you're going to study and restudy the list of things you admire most about yourself. This will definitely help to amp up your confidence level.

A very easy and effective way to seduce your man is to engage in a little naughty talk with him. You may not be all that comfortable with the idea of saying words that would make your mother blush, but you don't need to do that. Even telling a man that you can't wait to be alone with him or you've been thinking about his body all day, will have a dramatic impact on him. As you become more and more comfortable with sharing what you are thinking, the words will start to come to you easier.

Intimacy encompasses a great many things and does start outside the walls of the bedroom. Touch him, lightly whenever you get a chance. Reach for his hand or run your finger across his thigh when you're sitting next to him. You can even surprise him with a kiss when you two are out for dinner or sitting at a red light. Any physical contact between the two of you is a suggestion of more to come. He'll love it and it will definitely make him want you even more.

Every woman has the ability to be confident and comfortable in intimate situations. If you want to wow him and make him crave you even more - Click here now! If you're ready to take control of your sexual relationship with him, learn what you can do to become the only woman he wants or needs. Visit

Your Husband Doesn't Want to Have Sex - Tips on How to Change it Now

Your husband doesn't want to have sex. Maybe he's come right out and bluntly told you or perhaps he's shown more compassion and simply comes up with excuse after excuse for why he doesn't want to be intimate with you. Regardless, all the same feelings are still there. You feel rejected, confused and very alone. You question whether your marriage can survive and you've even wondered whether he may be having an affair. All of these feelings are normal. You have to address what is going on if you want things to change for the better. Ignoring the problem of a sexless marriage can end in disaster when the relationship eventually falls apart.

In almost all cases of sexless marriage, the person who is withholding the intimacy doesn't fully understand the impact it's having on their partner. They don't recognize how it's influencing their spouse's sense of self worth and self esteem. Naturally, all of these negative feelings are going to manifest themselves in a very unproductive way. That's why you're now feeling resentment towards your husband and you've begun questioning whether he truly loves you or not. You have to be understanding of the fact that he's probably not intentionally avoiding sex with you. It's merely a symptom of another issue or problem he's dealing with.

Many men shy away from intimacy because they feel disconnected emotionally from their spouse. This can happen for several reasons but most common is when the couple has an ongoing issue they are disagreeing on. It may be something related to the children, finances or even home improvements. If there is friction between the two of you your husband may not feel that close to you and therefore won't have any interest in being intimate. If you two are indeed struggling with something now is the time to lay all of your cards on the table and start negotiating with each other.

The same is true if you and he have reached a point in your marriage where you've started to take one another for granted. This happens to almost everyone, including the most well intentioned couples. They start off their relationship appreciating each other for even the smallest things and that changes as the years pass. Begin showing him that he's the most important person in your world again. Do things that you know make his life more satisfying and less complicated. This will show him that you value him just as much now as when you first married him. He'll feel closer to you in every way again including physically.

Many couples struggle with discussing the issue of a sexless marriage and as a result, nothing ever changes and both become more and more frustrated. Don't waste another day wishing your intimate life was more fulfilling, change it now. Visit

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Your Man - How to Know If You Call Him Too Often

When it comes to the man you adore is it really possible to call him too often? We hear so much about how important telephone calls are in a relationship that it's difficult to know what the right protocol is. As women we have a natural instinct to call our guy if we want to touch base with him and even when we just want to hear his voice. The problem is that calling him too much can, and does often, change the relationship and can have an impact on how he feels about you.

In order to tell if you call him too often you have to weigh how often he calls you against how many times a day or a week you are reaching out to him. Chances are very good that you are the one doing the majority of the calling. If this is the case you are setting the tone for this aspect of your relationship. When a woman calls all the time her man sees absolutely no reason to do any of the calling. He knows she'll handle it so he ignores it when she asks him to call or he conveniently forgets to call. If this is occurring in your relationship you need to start changing the frequency of your calls to him.

The easiest way to answer the question of do you call him too often is if you are calling him more than he calls you, the answer is yes, you are calling him too often. If you want that to change it's easy. All you have to do is stop calling him. If he says he'll call you at a particular time and he doesn't, don't call him. Leave things be and he'll eventually call you. If he doesn't return your calls, don't leave him more messages. Let him pick up the phone to find you. He will. If a woman can stop calling all the time she'll soon realize that her man will start calling. It's a simple concept but it really works.

You need to always remember that men and women view phone calls, emails and text in very different ways. If you make the mistake of calling too frequently, at the wrong time or before he's ready to hear from you, you can actually turn him off. Women unwittingly ruin their chances of a future with a man because they are too over eager to hear from him. Don't let this happen to you. Find out when you should be calling your man.
When your ex boyfriend gets back in touch with you, you will need to know how to respond in a way that retains his interest and stoke his desire for you again. If you don’t pull this off properly, he will start to pull away from you again and move on.

Luckily Michael Fiore has come up with a proven plan that will ignite his passion for you and tell you exactly what you need to say to make him want you back again. The Text Your Ex Back System has featured on numerous high profile shows in the USA and he has helped thousands of couples to get back together by tapping into human psychology. You can instantly download the audio, video and manual system to put these techniques into practice when he contacts you. You can also use these text examples to initiate contact with him again after a certain period of time, which Fiore explains himself. Watch the video where he explains exactly what the system does and learn some powerful techniques to try out yourself.

The next obvious step is to make a guy like you. This is not at all an easy task and you need to be really careful in your approach. The good news is that it is possible to create a really strong desire in him and he will not be able to resist if you know How To Make Guy Fall In Love With You.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit

Tips For When a Woman Should Call a Man - Know How to Handle Phone Calls With Your Guy

We all know there are unspoken rules about when a woman should call a man but the problem is that most of us just throw caution to the wind and we ignore those rules. The end result of doing that is almost always the same. We end up feeling rejected and unappreciated and he ends up feeling confused about what we are upset about. It doesn't have to be this complicated at all. In fact, if you only follow one simple rule when it comes to the right time to call your guy, you'll have a stronger, more fulfilling and less frustrating relationship with him.

The only time when a woman should call a man she's dating is after he's called and missed her and left a voicemail. This may seem a little one sided and perhaps it seems as though you're playing hard to get, but there's solid reasoning behind this. All relationships have a pattern to them that is set very early. If you repeatedly take on the role of the one calling your guy, he's quickly going to get used to not calling you ever. Eventually that's going to wear at you and make you feel rejected and unappreciated. So, right from the start, set the precedence of letting him do the majority of the calling.

If you're already in an established relationship and you've become the primary caller you can still rectify that now. If your man says he's going to call you to firm up plans for the evening or just to talk and then he doesn't, don't call him. Trying to track him down by calling him over and over again is not when a woman should call a man. Just don't call him at all if he hasn't lived up to his promise of calling. Even if a day or two go by, don't call. Soon he'll start calling you more regularly again because he'll sense that something has changed, and it will make him squirm.

When your ex boyfriend gets back in touch with you, you will need to know how to respond in a way that retains his interest and stoke his desire for you again. If you don’t pull this off properly, he will start to pull away from you again and move on.

Luckily Michael Fiore has come up with a proven plan that will ignite his passion for you and tell you exactly what you need to say to make him want you back again. The Text Your Ex Back System has featured on numerous high profile shows in the USA and he has helped thousands of couples to get back together by tapping into human psychology. You can instantly download the audio, video and manual system to put these techniques into practice when he contacts you. You can also use these text examples to initiate contact with him again after a certain period of time, which Fiore explains himself. Watch the video where he explains exactly what the system does and learn some powerful techniques to try out yourself.

The next obvious step is to make a guy like you. This is not at all an easy task and you need to be really careful in your approach. The good news is that it is possible to create a really strong desire in him and he will not be able to resist if you know How To Make Guy Fall In Love With You.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit